Monday, December 27, 2010

The end of the hiatus is nearing...

I started this blog last summer while I was taking a design-build studio. We built an absolutely AMAZING ceramic tile roof. Then, I spent a few weeks building a greenhouse.

Fall term started and I had decided to not take studio last term. So I had very little to share and post about. Most of my classes were heavy in reading and writing. Remarkably, after having spent the last two years expressing my thoughts in pictures, I found that I had a hard time finding my words.

I'm glad that I took studio off last term. First, I really needed a break. Next, I had the opportunity to focus myself on Ecology which was really quite time intensive due to the volume of reading and written assignments. Finally, from what everyone said about the Fall studio, I would have been very frustrated by the process.

One of the classes I took Fall term, Theory of National Parks gave me the opportunity to spend a weekend at Crater Lake National Park, listening to the park historian, touring the park and meeting with the superintendent. The weather was AMAZING. Just perfect.

On our last day, I had the opportunity to hike and chose to hike up Garfield Peak. It was a good hike, the trail has been well maintained and the view from the top was fantastic. There was a breeze that day so the lake wasn't as reflective, but it was still a great view.

During the term, I only had the opportunity to draw once or twice for projects for Ecology, but I enjoyed it immensely. This diagram was part of my "species project" on dragonflies. I know so much more about dragonflies then I ever wanted to know.
I missed creating, designing and drawing. I'm really looking forward to jumping back in this term. Next week, classes start up again and I'll have more than a full load of coursework.

So look forward to more adventures.

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